
According to the Journal of Pediatrics, roughly 85% of babies born small compared to their gestational age show signs of catch-up growth in childhood. Rapid growth is usually marked by an abnormal height increase, but can also include body weight, body composition, head circumference, or body segments such as sitting height or leg length. In preemies, an increase in adiposity, or fat composition, has been observed, rather than increases in height. This accelerated growth can occur in a short period of time surprising parents. Catch-up growth has both positive and negative consequences.

The Upside 

Infants who do not show catch-up growth tend to be shorter adults and may have more cognitive problems than other children. Eliminating growth deficit is desirable for having a baby born prematurely to reach normal numbers on growth charts.

The Downside 

However, infants who do show catch-up growth have higher risks of childhood obesity and adult health problems related to obesity and other metabolic disorders (such as type II diabetes) due to impaired glucose tolerance. Children born prematurely who have an extreme growth spurt may also be at an increased risk for heart disease.

Striking a Balance

Because there are risks and rewards to catch-up growth in preemies, think about striking a balance. While catch-up growth happens naturally in some babies born prematurely, others may not. Do what’s best for your child. Don’t look to overfeed or overexert your child to promote catch-up growth as these strategies may actually hinder your child’s development and overall health. As long as your child is taken care of, their size and weight should not matter. But if it does to you, know that over time the issue can take care of itself.