Medical Issues

Want to discuss your 18-year-old’s health, possible sexual activity, or substance abuse with their doctor or campus health services? No can do. When your child turns 18, you are no longer considered their legal representative. Under the federal Health Information Portability and Accountability Act or HIPAA, your teen’s health records are between them and their health care provider. If you need access, and your child agrees, they may grant you durable power of attorney, which authorizes you to make health care decisions for them, even if they are not incapacitated. (However, if your goal is to turn your child into a competent, independent adult, you might want to think twice about this option.)


Under the 2010 U.S. health-reform act, young adults can be covered by family health insurance policies through age 26. Be sure to check with your insurance agent and explore ways to get health coverage for your child.

Financial Privacy

Want to discuss your child’s credit card balance or financial account status with his college or bank? Their finances are as private as yours. You may still have access to any joint accounts you’ve set up with them, but no college purser or bank officer will break confidentiality laws for your teen’s private accounts. Most colleges, however, offer teens the option of granting their parents access to tuition and housing bills.

Grades and Academic Records

Similarly, your child’s relationship with professors and college administrators is also private. Paying your child’s college tuition does not give you access to their grades.

A Word From Verywell

Your job has changed dramatically, from 24/7 parenting to advisor. Need a good place to start? Sit down and discuss your teen’s new legal status with them.