Some scientists argue that many 16-year-olds aren’t mature enough to drive. Their brains aren’t yet fully developed, and they’re more likely to take risks, become distracted, and make mistakes.


As a way to help teens slowly gain driving responsibilities one step at a time, states adopted graduated license programs. These programs have restrictions for newly licensed drivers, such as a limit on the number of passengers or a curfew. A 2017 literature review found that graduated license programs have been instrumental in reducing car crashes among 16 and 17-year-olds. In fact, it’s been so successful that some states are considering adopting graduated license programs for 18 to 20-year-olds who are becoming first-time drivers. 

Driving Age by State

The age at which teens may obtain their learner’s permit and the laws about graduated licenses vary by state. Be sure to check your local laws to find out when your teen can begin driving. Once your teen has a learner’s permit, don’t think of yourself as a passenger when your teen is behind the wheel. Think of yourself as a teacher. Help your teen learn to recognize potential safety issues while driving. Each state has different laws about learner’s permits and how many hours a teen needs to be behind the wheel. Take those laws seriously and make sure you’re helping your teen gain the experience they need to become a safe driver.

Driver’s Education

To ensure teens learn as much as possible about safe driving, all 50 states and the District of Columbia have a three-stage graduated driver licensing (GDL) system in place, which can help reduce your teen’s crash risk by as much as 50%. The GDL system is typically broken down into three stages: 

Learner’s Stage/Permit: Supervised driving and a driving testIntermediate Stage/License: Limited unsupervised driving in high-risk situationsFull Privilege Stage/License: A standard state driver’s license

In most states, teens are required to take a driver’s education course before obtaining a full license. Your local DMV can provide more information about the requirements regarding age and other factors. Driver’s education courses can be taken in high school, online, or through a private program. (Your local DMV will also have information about where to find a class.) Driver’s education courses cover all of the essentials needed to be a safe driver, focusing on subjects such as road signs and signals, changing lanes, basic vehicle maintenance, and emergency situations. Students will also learn about alcohol safety, drug awareness, distracted driving, bicycle and motorcycle awareness and safety, organ donation, handicapped parking, and more. Generally, teens are able to begin the classroom portion of a driver’s education course before obtaining a learner’s permit, and move on to the driving portion after receiving one. Students can expect behind-the-wheel training, as well as a final knowledge exam.

Making the Most of Driver’s Education

To truly benefit from a driver’s education course, you can expand on what your teen is learning outside of the classroom. The U.S. Department of Transportation recommends spacing out learning over time, using quizzing to promote learning of prior and new material, helping them set aside time to study, and asking deep questions that require logic, explanations, and reasoning. (For example, ask them about what they’ve learned and how it’s applied to different on-the-road scenarios and decision-making.) Even if your teen is not required to complete a driver’s education course, it is still a good idea to take advantage of everything it has to offer, especially if you feel they are not ready to tackle the road alone. The more your teen learns about driving laws, regulations, safety, and best practices, the more prepared they will feel once they’re given a full driver’s license—which in turn gives you more peace of mind about the freedom that comes with it. Most importantly, be a good role model! By practicing safe driving and setting aside time to take them on practice drives, you can help drastically improve their skills and awareness.


While a lack of sleep impairs everyone’s performance, studies show sleep deprivation takes the most serious toll on teens. Teens are more likely to make errors when driving later into the evening.


Among 16- and 17-year-olds, approximately one-third of fatal car crashes occur between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. So, many states have enacted curfews to prevent teens from driving during the overnight hours. For example, Alabama doesn’t allow newly licensed teens to drive between midnight and 6 a.m. North Carolina doesn’t allow teens to drive between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.


Researchers have found that for each passenger a teen has in the car, the risk of a car crash increases. Friends can serve as a serious distraction, and they may encourage your teen to take unnecessary risks. Consequently, many states have decided to restrict passengers in cars driven by teens. While some states don’t allow newly licensed teens to have passengers for several months, others restrict the number of minor passengers that can be in a car. Exceptions are usually made for siblings. 


Talking on the phone while driving serves as a major distraction that increases the likelihood a teen will make driving mistakes. So many states have adopted specific cellphone restrictions for young drivers. Unfortunately, some studies suggest cellphone restrictions may actually increase the chances that a teen will attempt to send text messages while behind the wheel. In an attempt to conceal cellphone use, teens may become even more distracted by trying to type messages on the sly. If a teen is caught sending messages or using a cellphone while driving, there should be clear consequences. 


When it comes to letting your teen drive, don’t depend on your state laws to keep your child safe. Create your own rules and restrictions for your teen’s specific needs. Keep in mind that just because your teen is old enough to drive legally, it doesn’t mean they’re mature enough to handle the responsibility.  If your 16-year-old regularly acts aggressive, impulsive, or irresponsible, don’t let them behind the wheel just yet. Once your teen has a driver’s license, increase their freedom slowly. Remember, you don’t have to grant new privileges just because the graduated licensing laws allow them to drive at night or use a cellphone in the car. You can continue to impose restrictions of your own.

A Word From Verywell

If your teen violates the law or breaks your rules, give them consequences. Take away their keys for a while or restrict the hours or places your teen drives. And consider enrolling your teen in programs that teach driver safety beyond driver’s education. You might get a discount on car insurance, but more importantly, additional driver training could save your teen’s life. In America. There was an error. Please try again.